It's been a busy week here at Buttercup Central. Yesterday I had my application accepted at Designer Sphere. I've been working lately at getting Buttercup Ink ready to venture out into the big world of wholesale and this will be a great tool for me to use to connect with retailers. It's basically an online wholesale trade fair where retailers register and get to meet new designers across Australia who are offering wholesale.
My goal is to get Buttercup Ink products in 10 retail outlets across Australia by Christmas. Fingers crossed!
There's just soooo much to think about with wholesale. Pricing, shipping, payment terms, minimum orders, blah, blah, blah! With the help of Megan at Craft MBA and her eBook on wholesale and trade fairs along with countless other books, website and people I'm about 95% there.
Anyway, the sun is out and I'm meeting some of the fab girls in my Mothers' Group for a chit chat and play date with the kids. My month end and delightful Excel spreadsheets can wait until tomorrow! Before the playing commences though, Gabriel has to go get his 12 month immunisations. Poor baby.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Anything interesting happening?
V xx