Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
a VERY special new client...
As you all know, I just LOVE weddings. Getting to work with couples to set the tone for their big day puts a smile on my face. Well, this past weekend, I got a very special client... my little sister! Her beautiful boyfriend (now fiancé!) popped the question on Friday and of course she accepted!
Can't wait to work on her stationery for the day. And everything else!
Congratulations, Lauren and Stuart!
V xx
Saturday, November 5, 2011
New Product : cheeky wine tags
I had a GREAT idea a few days ago for a new Buttercup Ink product and could create them quick enough! I'm going to launch them at the wonderful Magnolia Square market next weekend and can't wait to get some feedback on them! If they prove to be a big seller I'll definitely add them to the Etsy and Big Cartel shops.
Here are a few quick iPhone snap shots of the initial designs...
Would love to hear your thoughts! Which one is your fav?
V xx
Here are a few quick iPhone snap shots of the initial designs...
Would love to hear your thoughts! Which one is your fav?
V xx
Monday, October 24, 2011
My interview on 'I Do Too'
Check out my interview on i do too. It's a fab new wedding website that's all about unique, alternative weddings without the hoo-ha!
V xx
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
What happened?
I saw these online and just HAD to share!
Gabriel has recently become OBSESSED with applying band aids to EVERY scratch and bump so these are perfect! If my mum reads this, I think she will confirm that this is a quality his mummy also had as a youngster!
V xx
Gabriel has recently become OBSESSED with applying band aids to EVERY scratch and bump so these are perfect! If my mum reads this, I think she will confirm that this is a quality his mummy also had as a youngster!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Benefit skincare
I've been a fan of Benefit Cosmetics for quite some time now (I cannot live without the Hoola and You Rebel!) and just LOVE this new skincare range they have launched!
The branding and packaging, as always, is spot on. Makes you want to buy it all and just admire it in the bathroom!
V xx
The branding and packaging, as always, is spot on. Makes you want to buy it all and just admire it in the bathroom!
V xx
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
BRANDING : Pink Lady Cup
A while ago I posted some initial designs for a branding project I was working on to get some feedback. Well, the project has just been completed and this is the chosen brand.
It sits really well with the event and definitely sets the tone for the day. I've attended the last 3 years and it's such a great day out! By the time the event comes around again, my little baby will be around 3 months old so think it might well be time for a 'mum and dad only' afternoon out!
V xx
It sits really well with the event and definitely sets the tone for the day. I've attended the last 3 years and it's such a great day out! By the time the event comes around again, my little baby will be around 3 months old so think it might well be time for a 'mum and dad only' afternoon out!
V xx
Saturday, October 8, 2011
And yet MORE awesomeness!
I was so excited this morning to find that Buttercup Ink was featured on Women in Business, one of my most favourite blogs! Clare writes about lifestyle, design and of course offers great advice and eCourses for women in business! It's such a beautifully designed blog. Always a pleasure to read.
Check out the Buttercup Ink article here...
V xx
Friday, October 7, 2011
Buttercup Ink now on PINTEREST !
Ok, so it's taken me a while to get involved in Pinterest but I'm now officially addicted! It such an amazing source of inspiration! Check out my boards here.
V xx
This weeks FREE downloadable print is simple but so powerful in its message. I've been practicing this all week and I've already had some amazing results! Before, I would have put it down to coincidence or good luck but I know now that it was ME who is creating them! How awesome is that!
One example was getting a car park right outside the hospital for my appointment on Thursday. I'm always running in the door 2 minutes late but this time there was no heavy traffic, not very many red lights and a FREE 2 hour park just 5 minutes walk from the front entrance!
I've never much been into horoscopes but today I decided to have a bit of fun and look to see if todays aligned with this new found positivity... I made the decision to google "leo horoscope' and click on the first result. Take a look...
Today, the 7th of October.
You can either fall into negative ways of thinking (not recommended!) or you can remember that we create our reality with our thoughts and do your utmost to keep your thoughts positive. Remember, thoughts become things, so it's up to us to choose the good ones. When we focus on something, we draw it to us. So when we focus on what we don't want, we... Draw it to us! Get it? This is such a crucial lesson for you to learn right now as Saturn goes through your Mind Zone.
Pretty amazing - don't you think!
Have a fab weekend!
V xx
Thursday, October 6, 2011
A genius of our generation
Today, a genius of our generation sadly passed away. This was a man who said that he lived everyday like his last. And just look at what that achieved! He could never have known just how influential he would be on todays society. Or did he...? So today, let's celebrate being BRAVE and BOLD and making the most of every minute.
V xx
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Deal of the Day : You can have ANYTHING you want!
Today has been a quiet day. We went to the beach. This past few weeks have been quiet weeks. I like it. I have most definitely had a shift in focus lately. I'm not sure if it has to do with soon becoming a mother of a newborn again, or perhaps the change in season but things are just different. Slower. I find myself daydreaming about the future, about Gabriel and his little brother or sister and what our world will look like a little further down the track.
I was reading an article lately that asked, "If you could have ANYTHING in your life, you just had to ask for it, what would it be?" It's such a difficult question. I think when we 'wish' for things, we aim for something that seems somewhat attainable. Within our reach. It got me thinking... The idea of wanting and wishing for something has never really sat very comfortably with me. That desire for material possessions and 'wealth'. But, on the other hand, shouldn't we all be allowed (and encouraged) to want to better ourselves and the lives of those close to us? I'm not talking about a private jets and houses around the world but if we are 'wishing', why shouldn't we wish for the big, open, light-filled house by the beach with a big back yard for our children to play and explore and a job that fulfils us and gives us that perfect balance? Why do we have to settle? We tell our children to aim for the stars, that they can do whatever and be whatever they want. We take them to the park and pretend we're on safari and there are lions and tigers lurking behind the climbing frame. Why shouldn't we allow ourselves the same level of adventure and excitement?
Take 10 minutes today and have a BIG daydream...
V xx
Friday, September 30, 2011
'Just coz' flowers
What a wonderful end to a great week... Some beautiful flowers from my amazing husband. Just because.
V xx
Thursday, September 29, 2011
30 gifts to 30 strangers
This is a truly beautiful and inspiring video. You put good out there and you will get in back multiplied.
V xx
V xx
Music: “To Build a Home” by Cinematic Orchestra
Hello! My name is Lucas and I'm Brazilian. Since I arrived in Australia a lot of beautiful things happened in my life, so on the day I turned 30 I decided to celebrate in a special way, being grateful to the people of Sydney. :)
Thank you so much to all my friends who helped make this happen, without you it would not have been possible. And thank you to everyone who lives in Australia, making this country such a wonderful place.
A big hug, Lucas.
Hello! My name is Lucas and I'm Brazilian. Since I arrived in Australia a lot of beautiful things happened in my life, so on the day I turned 30 I decided to celebrate in a special way, being grateful to the people of Sydney. :)
Thank you so much to all my friends who helped make this happen, without you it would not have been possible. And thank you to everyone who lives in Australia, making this country such a wonderful place.
A big hug, Lucas.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Over the last few weeks I have been reading so many wonderful new blogs and books and they all have a common theme... the power of positive thinking. I'm making a conscious effort to think only good, positive thoughts and to ignore all the negativity that so often fills our minds.
My contribution to this 'good vibe flow' is to create positive, inspiring prints. They are all A4, hi res jpgs so feel free to use them on your blog, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. or print off a copy and use it in your home or office as a little reminder that positivity brings positivity.
V xx
Monday, September 26, 2011
My interview on Clever Mamma
I was interviewed a while ago for a FAB new 'mums in business' directory, Clever Mamma.
Check it out here...
I love the concept of connecting business mums and the branding and site design is gorgeous! Lots of great stories and tips from other creative mammas!
V xx
Happy Monday to you!
I just love when the sun rises early to blue skys and you wake before the alarm... and 2 year olds! Especially on a Monday! I feel so much better kick starting my week with a little yoga, a quiet coffee and read at the paper before the house wakes.
V xx
Thursday, September 22, 2011
'I'd rather go naked than wear fur' CAMPAIGN with Ruby Rose
What a brave and beautiful photo shoot with Ruby Rose for MAXIM! I can't believe just how different she looks with long blonde hair! I must admit, I am a fan of the short dark hair but she is just beautiful in all of the shots!
V xx
Sunday, September 18, 2011
NEW PRODUCT : baby sleeping door hanger
I've been meaning to add this product to the shop for a while. It was the lovely Jolie from Hey Bambini who gave me the idea and it's definitely something EVERY mum needs.
We have recently moved Gabriel into the front bedroom (his toys were taking over and there just wasn't enough space in the little bedroom!) and without fail, at least once a week, the postman will come and ring the door bell just as G has gone to sleep!
So hopefully this little sign will let him have a more peaceful afternoon nap.
The sign is a printable PDF to allow you to print a copy at home and put it in a photo frame to hang on the front door. The file also contains a version that says 'Please use the back door' for when you are expecting visitors.
You can purchase now from Buttercup Ink : The Paper Shop and also from the Buttercup Ink Etsy shop.
We have recently moved Gabriel into the front bedroom (his toys were taking over and there just wasn't enough space in the little bedroom!) and without fail, at least once a week, the postman will come and ring the door bell just as G has gone to sleep!
So hopefully this little sign will let him have a more peaceful afternoon nap.
The sign is a printable PDF to allow you to print a copy at home and put it in a photo frame to hang on the front door. The file also contains a version that says 'Please use the back door' for when you are expecting visitors.
You can purchase now from Buttercup Ink : The Paper Shop and also from the Buttercup Ink Etsy shop.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Maternity AND post pregnancy dress!
I fell in love with a dress that I saw online during the week. You know, when you just can't stop thinking about it and can imagine wearing it to LOADS of different things? Well, I went to try it on at a fab little local boutique, Tiger and Goat, today and fell in love with it even more! I hoped that I could wear it during my pregnancy and also after (it's not specifically maternity-wear) and I was right! it'll be perfect for the cooler spring days. It's by Sydney based label, Binny. Their dresses are so beautiful! Just had to share!
Friday, September 16, 2011
A day of fun and SUNSHINE after a busy week
It's been a very busy week here at Buttercup Ink HQ with some wonderful new clients and exciting projects. So today is a day to be outdoors. Gabe and I had a great morning doing a bit of op-shopping then grabbed a milkshake and headed to the park with some books and Gabe's favourite friend, Monkey. We had some lunch outside on the deck. It's just so nice to be out in the warm weather!
This is the outfit that he selected this morning... there was a scarf on too but we managed to ditch that! He got lots of complements on his tie at the park. I love how confident he is. I hope this never fades.
{my smart and funny boy}
Have a great weekend everyone!
V xx
Thursday, September 15, 2011
ETSY LOVE: musical furniture!
What an AMAZING idea! I just adore this porch swing! It's a xylophone and bench seat rolled into one!
I love how clever and creative some people are. So inspiring!
V xx
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
ETSY LOVE: maxi skirt
I just love this maxi skirt I found whilst browsing through Etsy at the weekend. Plus, it has an adjustable waist so might even be 3rd trimester friendly! I think I might just purchase anyway and keep it in the wardrobe for the late summer.
V xx
Friday, September 9, 2011
BABY NAMES : suggestions please!
I'm having a bit of a tidy up in the studio this afternoon and now that my desk is lovely and organised, I just can seem to get to work. So I'm spending the next hour of so catching up on some blog reading and general inspiration (hours can be easily lost on Pinterest!)
I've found that recently I'm gravitating back to the 'baby blogs' and baby name websites. It only leaves me feeling more confused though! During this pregnancy, we've not really spoken about names as much as we did first time round. Although, we knew that Gabriel was going to be Gabriel even before we were pregnant - but I just love playing the name game!
We've got a few names picked out that we like for both a boy and girl (no, we're resisting temptation and not finding out!) but I would LOVE if any of you have some suggestions!
LOGO SHOWCASE : Little Dinosaur Kids Clothing
Here is one of my new ready-to-order, customisable logos that can be purchased in my Etsy shop here...

{image from seed clothing}
This logo was created with a kids clothing line or clothing boutique in mind but can be customised (colour, business name and tag line) for any creative business!
V xx
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