Over the last few months I've been finding it increasingly difficult to truly relax, unwind and focus. Working for yourself certainly has it's benefits but with the flexibility also comes anxiety and pressure - mainly financial. As many of you will know, there are good months and bad months when you are your own boss. I'm the type of person who often buries their head in the sand and pretends that everything will be ok which never helps.
I can see great things for my business down the track and know that it will happen but it's just taking time so I'm contemplating the idea of going back to work a few days per week. It would be nice just so have a little bit of cash coming in on a regular basis. But like all mum's, I know it's so hard to strike a balance between home and work life. I also miss the relationships with work colleagues and find it hard to be my most creative at home on my own.
So, the month of October is going to be one of reflection, calmness and planning for me. I find that I've often got so much on at the one time that nothing gets my full and undivided attention for very long. Which I feel especially guilty about when it comes to Gabriel as he deserves his mummy to be fully present 100% of the time.
We all pride ourselves with being 'multi-taskers' but is this such a good thing? Filling our minds with 100 'to-do's' and never getting any of them done when or how we would like? Surely our minds would be happier - and more effective - if we let them focus on one task to completion, where possible, before moving on to the next.
To kick start my month, I've just signed up for 30 days of yoga - an online yoga course. I'm really excited about it! I used to practice 2 or 3 times a week but have fallen away from it recently. With the bright sunny mornings now here, I'm going to get up early and have some 'me time' before Gabe wakes for the day. Which surely has to be beneficial to both of us.
Marianne who is behind 30 Days of Yoga is also part of an amazing scheme where 100% of your course fee goes to supporting people living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. The course usually costs $100 but for this month you donate what you can.
So here's to a month of tranquility and clarity!
V xx