The lovely and talented Janette over at
My Sweet Prints sent me the Versatile Blogger award earlier this week but having been sooooo busy, I'm only getting to it now! Thanks Janette!
The rules are to list 7 of things about you. I've decided to tell you 7 of my favourites...
Day of the week? Sunday (afternoons especially)
Number? 8 and 15,000,000
Colour? Changes daily but I have got a long term love affair with red.
Place? I've got a few!
Italy - was taken on a surprise trip to Capri as I'd always said it's my favourite place I'd never been!
NYC - shopping, food and cold winter days where you get to wear hats and scarves.
Melbourne - it's got a little bit of a lot of places I've been.
Scotland - Melbourne is home now but there's always a wee part of my heart still there.
Film? Top Gun. What girl didn't love Maverick? What happened to you Tom?!
Book? The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. So simple and
inspiring. One of the few books I read again and again.
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. A really storytellers book. Mysterious and enchanting.
Food?Lasagne or chilli con carne. Mmmm...
Happy Friday!
V xx